What’s NEW?
News from 2024
The Coldwater Trust 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on May 14, 2024.
Documents and presentations have been uploaded here
Closed: Calls for 2024 Call For Proposals Application dates were from May 14-Aug 31, 2024.

News from 2023
Welcome newly elected, Community Trustee, Robert Nadjiwon
In May, the Trust held its most recent election. The successful candidate is, Robert Nadjiwon. Congratulations, Robert! Robert was raised in Neyaashiinigmiing. His parents are Cindy and Alex Nadjiwon. In Spring of 2023, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto, and he currently works at Kikendaasogamig Elementary School.
The Trustees thank former Community Trustee, Dr. Elisa Levi for her dedicated service.
Elisa Levi served as a community elected Trustee since August 2013 with two four-year terms and one two-year term.
She was strong proponent of transparent communication and strategic evaluation of the Trust business, the enhancement of the proposal-led process (as directed by the Trust Agreement), and the Good Life Fund which is an equal opportunity for all beneficiaries.
Elisa also serves on the boards of the Anishnawbe Health Foundation and the Indigenous Advisory Council for the Toronto Metropolitan University School of Medicine.
Best of luck to Dr. Levi as she turns her attention to practicing Family Medicine as a Physician!
News from 2022
In 2022, Good Life Fund was introduced.
ga-naadamaagoo ji-gshki’oziyin (Pronunciation: gun-nod-maw-go jik-shkay-oh-zee-yin which translates to “They will help you so that you will (pull through/manage/make it/get along) was conceptualized to support with mental health and wellness needs of community members.
Community members used the funds to help pay for such activities as gym memberships, fees for sports camps, beading and other crafting supplies, and essentials like food, bills, winter jackets and boots.
In 2022, 1136 members received up to $250 each for a total of $284,122.00.
Please contact any Trustee to find out when the next meeting is. Minutes are posted on line.